BMES Arrival & Dismissal for 2024-25

The gates on campus will open at 8:40 each day. Students should not be dropped off prior to 8:40 as we do not have staff on duty to ensure their safety. Please wait until after 8:40 when the gates open. 

As students enter the campus on the first two days of school, they will head directly to their classrooms instead of to the playground for recess.  On the third day of school, we will go to our regular morning routine and will open the playground up from 8:40-8:55.  

If you’ve been near the Black Mountain parking lot between 8:40 to 9:00 or 3:00 to 4:00 PM, you know it is a busy place! Orderly pick-up and drop-off routines are essential to student safety. Below are the options as well as tips to help you navigate the parking lot successfully.

Drop off (8:40-8:55) for the first day of school:

During the first day of school, you will have a few options when dropping off your child. If you have any children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, you will enter off of 60th St. and drop them off in front of the Fine Arts Center (FAC). The FAC is located on the far west end of the south parking lot. If you have children in 4th through 6th grade only, you will enter Falcon Dr. off of 56th St. and pull up and drop off to the northeast of the CSHS football field.

For the first day only, all parents will have one other option. This option is to park on the east side of the south parking lot and walk your child through the front office to drop them off outside their classroom door. We are offering this option to help kids find their way and to help parents feel comfortable that their children remember where to go. Please make the drop-off quickly no matter which option you choose, and know that this is not an appropriate time to meet with the teacher.

Beginning August 6th (2nd day of school):

Beginning the second day, walking your child to their classroom will not be an option for parents of 1st-6th graders. Instead, you will drop off in one of two locations. If you have any children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, you will enter off of 60th St. and drop them off in front of the Fine Arts Center (FAC). The FAC is located on the far west end of the south parking lot. If you have children in 4th through 6th grade only, you will enter Falcon Dr. off of 56th St. and pull up and drop off to the northeast of the CSHS football stadium.  Please know that Kindergarten students may still be walked to the classroom on this day too but will need to follow the normal drop off procedure on the third day.  On Wednesday we will do the balloons and arrows from the FAC to the kinder playground. If we could have some 5th and 6th grade ambassadors on that day and possibly Thursday and Friday to help lead the kids from the FAC to the kinder areas that would be great.

We understand that it may take students a few days to feel confident in their morning routes. Therefore, for the entire first week, whether riding a bus, riding a bike, or being dropped off by parents, we will have you covered. Not only will staff be available to support your child, but great 6th-grade student ambassadors will also be posted in each area to help walk everyone to their classrooms.

Pick Up (After 3:30)

Car rider signs will be available for parents utilizing drive up. You may pick up a car rider sign from the front office or request one from your child’s teacher. Simply write the first name of your child and last initial on the car rider sign and hang it in your car during pick up. Please be mindful of window tinting as this can make signs impossible to read. The duty staff will see the name and be able to call your children to your car more quickly.

The dismissal bell will ring at 3:30 and then students will have to walk across campus to their after-school destination. This takes time, so please understand that the line may not start moving until at least 3:35. Arriving before 3:30 blocks the fire lane and causes issues for any vehicles that need to enter our parking lots. Therefore, I would recommend that you do not arrive at school until after 3:30.  In fact, I would highly recommend not arriving until closer to 3:40. Please remember that the first few weeks are usually the slowest as everyone gets used to the routines. Please also understand that nearly half of our students are on what is called “open enrollment” meaning that riding the bus is not an option. This means that hundreds of people will be in line. 

K-3 Dismissal Options:

  • They can attend Bobcat Club
  • Ride the bus
  • ​​​​​​​Walk or ride a bike (This option with the youngest children may be best with a parent or sibling)
  • Drive Up Line (in front of the FAC). Display child’s name, stay in your car, pull all the way forward.  Do not park in the parking lot and walk up.
  • ​​​​​​​Walk Up. Show up early (between 3:15 and 3:20) to ensure you can find a parking space, then head across the crosswalk to the gym doors at 3:30 to get your child.
  • K-3 Parents, you can take a look at this video to help clarify your pick up options this year.

4-6 Dismissal Options

Clarification for parents with multiple children

I hope that the maps help to make the drop-off and pick up options clear. In case this wasn’t clear enough for families with siblings in multiple grades, here are a few bullet points that may provide clarification.

  • Drop off & pick up your kids next to the Fine Arts Center if you have any children in Kindergarten through 3rd grades. If you also have a child in 4th through 6th, you will still drop off and pick up near the Fine Arts Center.
  • ​​​​​​​If you have a child in Preschool and another grade, your PreK child will be brought through the front of the school at 3:10. You will then pick up your older child in the gymnasium Walk-up area at 3:30.  Please make sure that your older child knows this plan.
  • ​​​​​​​If all of your children are in grades 4-6, you will drop them off and pick them up on Falcon Drive.

In case you missed it – Click here to review the email sent to all BMES families on the 26th of July.